Health tips side effect of taking bath after returning from heat or summer

Health tips side effect of taking bath after returning from heat or summer

Summer Health Tips: The scorching heat of June continues to wreak havoc and in many states the temperature has crossed 45 degrees. In such a situation, when people who work outside return drenched in sweat, they directly go and take a bath so that their body can cool down. But many questions come to mind about whether you should take a bath immediately after coming from the sun or not? So let us tell you today whether it is right or wrong to take a bath after returning from the heat.

Is it right to take a bath after coming from the sun or not
Experts say that bathing immediately after coming from the sun may make you feel fresh, but it can be very harmful for you. Actually, when you come from outside, your body temperature is very high, in such a situation, when you immediately pour cold water on the body, it immediately reduces the body temperature and due to hot and cold, problems like fever, cough, sore throat, cold and flu can occur.

Taking a bath can also cause brain freeze
Experts also believe that when you pour cold water on your head after coming from the hot sun, it can suddenly cause brain freeze and heat stroke. Not only this, being cold and hot at the same time causes stiffness in the muscles and pain in joints and muscles can increase.

How long should one take a bath after coming from the sun?
Now the question arises that when should you take a bath after coming from the sun? So when you come from the sun, first let your sweat dry in the fan air, after this take a bath after keeping a gap of 20-30 minutes. Do not use very cold water for bathing, you can take a bath with normal lukewarm water. This keeps the body temperature normal and does not harm the body.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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